Saturday, July 12, 2008


Well, I think Baby Novak is going to be an acrobat. When I went to sleep last night, I could hardly lie still because there seemed to be a tumbling contest taking place in my belly. I still think kicking is the weirdest sensation I've experienced. It's so wonderful, yet just so bizarre.

I also just read that a lot of movement is indicative of a girl...who knows!?!

I am still feeling great and have begun cleaning out the house and getting ready. I cleaned this entire house the past two days, and it feels great. I even wiped down woodwork!! It's clean; it smells great; and it felt so good to crawl into a clean bed last night with aching feet. After Baby Novak's summersault escapade was over last night we all slept very soundly.

I hope the next 2 months and 3 weeks fly by! I can't wait to meet this little stinker!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Still thinking of you and your little acrobat daily!!! So glad to see time is ticking away quickly for you. I look forward to meeting your little bundle of joy soon:)
