Monday, December 15, 2008

Eleven Weeks Old

Tommy you are eleven weeks old.

You have cried most of the day today.
You hadn't pooped in 3 days.
I got suppositories to help you poop.

You pooped.
And pooped.

You were fine for a little while.
Started screaming again.
Louder and Louder.
You had a fart that could have registered on the richter scale.

Gave you Mylicon to stop the gas.
Screamed a little more.

Fed you.

Laid you down in your crib and you're awake; but content.

Mommy's brain doesn't work on days like today.
Mommy can only think in short spurts.

Did I mention that Daddy threw his back out?
Mommy now has two babies to take care of.
Plus one demanding schnauzer.

Gotta go...Mommy has a date with a man named Merlot.

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