Whew! It's been almost 6 months since I've last updated.
Let me tell ya...It's been busy!! Besides being mommy to a very active and inquisitive one-year old, I've been teaching full time and also taking a course each semester working on my second master's degree which will earn me my principal's license. This past semester was a very intense law course. I'm glad that's over; however, I do have the second part of it coming up this fall!
Anyway...enough of the boring stuff.
Tommy has grown by leaps and bounds since his first birthday. He went from walking to running, and now only seems to run. He loves to climb and since he was about 19 months old, he climbs on EVERYTHING. He climbs up his highchair, all over the couches, all over me, all over daddy, all over Winnie, he has even attempted to climb walls. Within the last week he has learned to pull out the kitchen table chairs, climb onto the chair, and then onto the kitchen table. It's enough to give me a heart attack. He also likes to climb onto the bar on the bottom of the stove and climb the stove. The dishwasher is also a favorite of his to climb. Just recently, he learned to push the buttons on the dishwasher. Lord knows how many cycles he's rn. He's 100% boy. He certainly keeps us busy. So, Tommy, I apologize that I've been slacking on your little diary here....but, in honesty, it's your fault. :) You just keep Mommy way too busy!
Tommy is learning more and more words by the day....he says "gog" for dog, and points out EVERY dog he sees. He loves his "gogs." He says bottle, banana, mommy, daddy, up, hot, and a few more that I can't really think of now (tiredness is setting in). However, he understands EVERYTHING. He knows his body parts and will point to them when asked. He knows his routine. When I say it's time for your bath, he runs to the stairs and waits for us to move the gate to get upstairs. Once his clothes are off, he runs into the bathroom (it's so precious to see his little naked butt running through the hallways), picks out some bath toys, and tries to climb into the tub.
He and Winnie love to run to the door when Daddy comes home from work and get hugs from Daddy. Tommy knows just by Winnie's excited barks and whines that Daddy is home. So, he certainly is mastering his language. He LOVES Thomas the Train and we are planning to take him in August to ride the real thing. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a little excited about this too.
Tommy is also a very loving little boy. He loves to give hugs, and really loves to hug his "gog" Winnie. He loves to snuggle with me on the couch, and is always more than willing to watch some Thomas and suck down a bottle of chocolate milk.
So, I hope that helps update the Tommy status. He is such a joy and quite honestly my greatest achievement in life. It's mind-blowing to me to think that in a few more weeks, we will be blessed with another little one. I can not wait to see these two together. I know we're going to have our hands full, but we'll also have hearts full of love. I'm so ready for this next adventure!!
So much to blog, so little time
10 years ago